The following are the directors of Harlaw Hydro Ltd. The board consists of up to nine directors elected by the membership and 3 appointed by Balerno Village Trust.
Board membership is governed by the rules of the society.
Lynn Molleson Director
Lynn is one of the four founding directors of Harlaw Hydro, she was also a founding Director of Balerno Village Trust in 2009 and of Pentland DofE and currently co-ordinates Silver level. In her ‘real job’ Lynn works for DTAS (Development Trust Association Scotland) as an Advisor for the Community Ownership Support Service (COSS).
Lynn also has a strong interest in renewable energy and energy efficiency, having worked in the past for Changeworks on fuel poverty campaigns. Lynn pretends to be fit by commuting using her ebike.
Ian Hynd – Director
Ian is an Industrial designer, company director and Postgraduate student at Edinburgh School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture, Edinburgh University. He is also the Vice-Chairman of Balerno Community Council and has been a resident in Balerno since 1984. Ian is one the four founding directors.
Simon Dormer – Director
Simon is a self-employed chartered surveyor with over 15 years’ experience working in the commercial property industry. He runs his own highly-focused consultancy and is both knowledgeable on planning and property-related development matters and also has broad experience in raising finance in the commercial sector. Simon is one the four founding directors.
Martin Petty – Chairman & Company Secretary
Martin is a retired IT consultant. After a long and successful career in IT management he spent 7 years in consultancy helping companies prepare robust business cases and taking approved projects through to implementation. Martin has served time as Treasurer of the Balerno Village Trust and is Treasurer of the Balerno Music Festival where he has been part of the team organising the Festival since its inception. Martin is one the four founding directors.
Mike Molleson – Director
Mike is a Project Manager with Logan PM, a renewable energy consultancy in Edinburgh and holds a Master in Renewable Energy Engineering, with distinction, from Heriot Watt University. Mike moved to Balerno with his family in 2004 and their many walks around Harlaw Reservoir led them to explore the possibility of installing a hydro facility there. This idea eventually led to the formation of Harlaw Hydro.
Andrew Clark – Director
Andrew has been involved with Harlaw Hydro
since the detailed Design and Construction process started in 2013. A Chartered Civil Engineer and Information Technology Professional he was a member of the Technical Team that delivered the successful project including close supervision of contractors on site.
Alister Skinner – Director
Formerly a geologist with the British Antarctic Survey and the British Geological Survey responsible for the entire UK Marine Operations Programme of the British Geological Survey.
In 2007 he set up his own consulting company collecting core data for foundation and environmental issues surrounding infrastructure projects particularly in the field of renewable energy in Iceland, Japan and the UK.
The logistical, contractual and interactive expertise involved in all of the above was put to good practical use while working with the Harlaw Hydro team.
Gordon Grassick – Treasurer
Gordon is a retired Chartered Accountant, having spent over 40 years involved in the accountancy profession, manufacturing industry, IT, and financial management both in the Edinburgh area and several overseas locations.
His wife Jenny, gave over 30 years teaching service to Balerno High School, and their family grew up in Balerno.
Gordon is very enthusiastic about the Balerno area, and is happy to assist with the Harlaw Hydro accounting, and ongoing management of Harlaw Hydro.
Emma Galloway
Richard Blackburn
With an MBA from the University of Strathclyde I operated my own consultancy business for 18 years following various senior management roles in local government. I served as member of Court for the University of West of Scotland for 9 years, the last 3 as Chair of Court, and was awarded an honorary doctorate upon retirement from Court.
I believe I have a good appreciation of the roles and responsibilities of a director.
David Spacey
I first moved to Balerno in 1998 to work in a variety of supply chain management roles for Scottish & Newcastle. When we were taken over by Heineken in 2008, I was moved to the Netherlands to serve as Heineken’s Chief Procurement Officer. I returned to the UK in 2019 and given that I have two grandkids currently at Dean Park Primary, of course I came back to Balerno.
I am a Chartered Management Accountant, a part time consultant and hold two MSc degrees, the first in Engineering Business Management (Warwick) and more recently in Data Science (Heriot-Watt).
Karen Scott
I have lived in Balerno for 27 years and I love the village and our great sense of community. I have been a BVT director for the last 2 years and have just been appointed by BVT to join the Harlaw Hydro Board. I wholeheartedly agree with the BVT vision to create a thriving, sustainable and resilient community. I enjoy being hands on with BVT getting involved at the Farmers Market and with other BVT projects.
I had a career in IT and have been retired for nearly 5 years. I have grown up children and my younger son is an Early Years Practitioner at Dean Park Nursery. I previously volunteered as a beaver and cub leader with the 51st and was actively involved with the PTA at Balerno High School. In retirement, I love long distance walking.